Estate Professionals Mastermind - Probate and Senior Real Estate Podcast

Using Facebook Ads To Boost Your Marketing; Better Tips For Door-Knocking; and How to Choose and Optimize Your Real Estate CRM.

Chad Corbett, Gary Nash, and David Pannell Episode 17

Live Group Coaching #17: Leveraging Systems and Payroll to Reclaim Your Time While Growing Your Real Estate Business

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Group Training episodes are recorded in Zoom and feature live questions and answers from trainer Chad Corbett, guest coaches, and certified probate experts. Participation in live group coaching is free for anyone who has taken Chad's Probate Mastery Certification course. Learn more about the course and enroll:

Time Stamps (YouTube links):
00:00 Introductions
1:23 Pitching A Consultation With A Registered Investment Advisor
03:10 Reclaiming Your Time: How To Delegate Tasks and Find Work-Life Balance
9:01 Business Line of Credit Through Community Banks
11:57 What Would You Do With 20 Added Work Hours THIS WEEK?
13:48 The Buffer of Courage - Leveraging Payroll to Scale Your Business
15:59 Yes, You Need A Real Estate CRM!
35:54 Should I Outsource Door-Knocking?
39:10 Door-Knocking: Best Practice Tips
44:56 Why You Should Track Your Projected Cash Flow
53:47 Using Facebook Ads to Boost Your Organic Content Marketing Strategy
58:46 How to Network with High-Net-Worth Individuals
1:01:53 Success Story! Corey Takes 5 Listings This Week!
1:06:18 Gary Nash: How I Set Up My YouTube Channel

Estate Professionals Mastermind content is recorded via zoom and can be viewed in video format in the Estate Professionals Mastermind community, YouTube, or our podcast archive.

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All right. Welcome everybody to the weekly probate master group coaching call I'm in my west coast office today. I finally made it on the whole river. We talked about dry camping last week, so I figured I would just go with that theme, keep it alive. So I'm out here, literally in the extreme Northwest country in the middle of nowhere. And my internet set up has been doing well. So the camping thing was a joke, but we did actually have an interesting conversation last week, how you can maximize returns on properties. You're holding. And my friend who I referenced last week, I've talked to her, she's going to join us for like an ask the expert series to really unpack how she is using that strategy to pay land off in three to four months. And she unfortunately was pretty sick last week and we haven't been able to do it, but we do have the expert in the space. That's kind of teaching it for her audience and I'm going to have Codie come and talk about that with us. So you guys can ask her questions. So, in probably in the next couple of weeks we'll hopefully get her, and learn what she's doing. Pieces of land in places like this for a little bit enough thing. And haven't played off in three or four months and like the 30% rate of return. So that's coming and a lot of familiar faces, Gary, welcome back. Anything, anybody have anything, any wins? I want to share anything you're struggling with. What can we do to serve you today? Hey, I'm Chad. Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot to raise my hand. I'm sorry. No, no, no, go ahead. Okay. Yeah. So will you, you opened up the sat if anybody had any questions. So based on what we talked about last week, you mentioned that the appointment setting with the VA I had a question. So considering that to a large degree, a lot of what we're doing is referring the rep we're referring the rep to, you know, different services and different, you know, people that are not social, not social network that are within our network. Do you feel that it's okay to say you know, that we have. Services that we offer considering that, you know, a lot of what we do is just referring them to people. And a lot of those people that we refer them to give them free consultations, or do you think that'd be skating on thin line? Okay, good. So it's all kind of like, yeah. If it's a registered investment advisor, you know, like my pitch would be, you know, listen, a lot of folks don't know what to do. Life insurance. Isn't going to be part of the probate Mister PR. But a lot of folks aren't sure what they can and cannot do and what the options are, to invest a lump sum life insurance payment. So what I'd like to do is offer you an hour to sit down with them. We only work with registered investment advisors. And what that means is this person has a much higher level of education, but also a fiduciary responsibility for every client. So we have vetted these financial services professionals, and we only worked with the best. Can I offer you an hour of this time just to get your questions answered? And you kind of create that perception that you're paying for it, just to add value to, to, you know, to the fact that you have vetted this person and found the right one, but I'll present them like that in the same way with your attorney, like with your estate planning attorneys, can I give you an hour ago? Because you're giving them home, right. Treat it like it's on your team at your cost. Just to continue to kind of build that perceived value of your service and the relationship. Awesome. You have been here and you've been very quiet. I want to know that's question, but you beat me to the punch. Everything's going well, I got that San Diego property in escrow contingent free, significantly over ask. So they're happy. I'm now putting them in touch with a financial advisor so that they don't, they don't just blow through all that money. My question that, that was the win. The question is I'm starting to get busier, so I'm obviously grateful for that and I'm happy that that's taking place. I'm finding that it's as if. I'm doing a lot of tedious tasks that are taking away from me doing dollar productive activities. And I'm at the point where I'm just questioning, when is the time to start delegating. And when is it too soon to start delegating? And, yeah, I don't know that you were here. I mentioned you when I brought this up the week after we had your time management, when you held yourself accountable in front of the world about time management the following week. I don't know if you listened to that call, but we talked about Tony Robbins' RPM and urgency importance. Have you, have you listened to that? Like we, you, I use you as the example. I have not I'll look up maybe I'll ask Kat which week that was so I can make sure to listen to that record. Yeah, I think I was on a riverbank on the other side of the country, but so the Tony Robbins has a course called it's been called RPM Tom of your life. It's basically it's RPM has a rapid planning method, but a lot of it is about time management. So having a big picture plan on your daily plan, but based on basically two, two key variables, urgency and important. As entrepreneurs, we, and especially on real estate entrepreneurs, we tend to focus and spend 90% of our time on things that are urgent, but not important. Now you could say, well, it's important. You've got to chase this paperwork. We've got to have this agenda, but is it so important that we have to do it? Like can't somebody else do that? And Tony's personal goal is to spend at least 60% of his time on things that are not urgent, but are very important like this, like being out, live it, being in a place that feeds your soul, spending time with people that you love. So anytime that you're spending, you know, more than 40% of your time on those things, that aren't family, friends, huh? Then you're a bit out of alignment, like if you want to. Yeah. So there's a matrix we shared in the show notes of that call. I wish I had it right now. Kat, if you can find that droplet for fed, because I sat with it for a couple of weeks after you and I had that conversation. I'm like, I mean, I could teach a course just on this and it did something that fortunately I was able to finally get. Right. And that's why I can spend a lot of my time doing the non urgent, but very important. So, we'll look at that. If I know that one of your challenges is you choked yourself with information. So I'm very hesitant to recommend you take the whole RPM course, but at least digest that matrix, like look at it. If he doesn't enough, the graphic is like a target and the poles, the bulls are spending at least 60% of your time. Don't just hand you love. We usually can't start there unless we were, we've got a massive insurance recipient or something, but, the time to start delegating is now the things to start delegating first are the things that are urgent, but not important. So one of the best things, any of us delegate is transactional coordinate. So from contract to close, I think one of the most critical parts of the deal that's where most people that often. Yes. But if you want referrals and you want to build a great, one of the best things you can do is provide a level of service that far exceeds even the title company's expectations. The lenders will love you. You know, the title company will love you. Mary Nash, you're going to have to quit that dude. But so the first thing is to delegate are those things that are important are there that are important, but not important enough that, that you need to be doing them. So when it comes down to the guy, the mentor that can. First real said, if you're doing more than four deals a month, and this was before my meeting, but as long as you have consistent revenue. So if you're on that cash flow, rollercoaster and use to have months where you're starving to death, then it's, you might hire somebody you love. And she loved her game. She loved working for you and you can't pay them. And that's a really embarrassing moment, but if you feel like the cashflow and the business has been stable over the last, let's just say six months, if you hadn't stable cash flow to support somebody that whatever that income was in your area, probably it's probably time to bring on your admin. And that person is to help with transaction coordination or day-to-day Hawks. If you're lucky enough to get one showing up for you. Meet with them, anything that isn't talking to a client if it's not free contract client conversations, then that's their job. And then that frees up all of your free contract that's on the list side or the buy side or what I would recommend it for months with consistent finances that will support the salary at that level. No hire yourself bad, man. And you can free up at least 20 hours of your time, probably the recording. And that was a huge inflection point for me. When I finally had the courage to do that, I went from eight, 15 or 16 year old on to do the things that were most important, things that were not urgent, but very important. And those can be like no prospecting, adding another attorney to your referral network. If you don't do it. It's not going to be the end of the world. It could feed you for the next 20 years of your career that I was fading in and out. I apologize that, you there, oh, there you are. Hereby. Yes. So, okay. So not received and understood. I'll definitely look into that right now. Look into finances. I mean, cost of living here is really high, so although I've been consistent as far as having funds come in also just planning, you know, just making sure that I'm also covered for the next 12 months, as far as living expenses prior to making any type of commitment of hiring someone. So let's talk about, let's talk about business lines of credit. It's something we haven't really talked much about here, but, if you bank with a community bank or a regional bank, one of the things I do, or when I get a bank account and I'll something, you know, I shoot, let me see if I can kill video and make it turn us. Can you hear me? Okay. FedLine clear. One of the things that I do when I start a new company, I'll take, you know, 10 or 20,000 bucks go open a business bank account where the community bank or a regional bank, trying to stay at, say under a $10 billion bank. And then I open a business bank account. Then I ask them for Atlanta. And I use, I don't know if they're in California. I use first citizens bank for this. I can take a brand new LLC with brand new EIN number and walk out with a $49,900. I credit long as I ask for less than 50,000, it doesn't even have to go to underwriting. It could be something that would help create a safety zone for you. So if you can set up a business line on your realtor bank account, then you know, if I have a bad month, you know, and you obviously that's an emergency, then you could comfortably hire. And the person, if you make the right hire, that person is going to understand less than I have to bring. And my goal for it, for any employee, you should demand a three to one return. So if you pay that person 50 grand, you should gain $150,000 in productivity back revenue. Yeah. And they should be fully aware of that, right? You should be transparent about the business finances. I'm like, listen, I'm having to dip into lines of credit to make payroll this month. You and I need to work together and to get this back on track and get us off the cashflow roller coaster. And they should be eager to jump in. So don't ever spend money if you don't, if you don't think you have a way to pay it back, it could create a comfort. If you had a $50,000 line of credit, it's not going to be very often, you'd dip into that, it's there and you're basically play at paying prime plus prime plus one or prime that helps a lot. Actually, I had, I had no idea about that. That actually is I'm going to look into that right away. Because I just think, to your point. You make a good hire like that. And then all of a sudden you're multiplying your business. I have skills in some areas and other people have, are significantly more skilled than others. And so why should I bang my head at trying to do those other things when they can do it way better than me and run circles around me. And it doesn't matter because that's not what I do. I do other things. And so that can grow everyone that I'm fully on board with that. Let me ask you this fed if, if I gave you 20, okay. I can't hear you. If you gave what 20, what if I gave you 20 hours of time and your business this week? What would you do with it? You gave me 20 20, 20 available hours. I would do what I've been wanting to do, which I located in the last couple of months, properties that are distressed, that I want to, you know, run data on and submit to develop clients of mine. I would actually make, you know, figure out a way to get all the letters ready for these people, reach out to these people and make something happen out of it. Cause I know there's there's business there and I just find myself every night just saying, oh my God, I get so much BS tedious, work that again. I'm putting this off to tomorrow because I have a deadline with the other items. Even the San Diego deal. Fortunately, it's an escort it's continued free, but it took a lot of time out of my schedule. I tried to refer it out to San Diego, to a San Diego agent. Client said no. So, you know, it was taking me three hours and 15 minutes. Just to get there and then maybe about an hour and 40 minutes to get back. So at least one of the two ways, either the way they're the way back was taking me roughly three, three and a half hours. So that's a lot of time. It's basically a whole day, a lot of times just to even get a signature or something like that. And now that we're in escrow ESCO's helping me out a lot. They, you know, they have one of their officers who lives in San Diego, so they just bring the paperwork, explain it, we get on, you know, FaceTime if the grandson or granddaughter are available. Otherwise the seller's 96 years old. So it's a little, little challenging, but fortunately, we're going to close that in the next 20 days, all contingencies, right? EMD has been released. I want to come back to that deal fed. So of that 20 hours, I switched network. So I think, I think I should be clear now. Gotcha. I don't know if yeah. I heard everything. But in that 20 hours of activity, like when you're doing those things, you said you would do, how much do you think you could get one deal if you did that for 20 hours? Yeah, for sure. So on that one on, on that side of the business, that deal would be what, 30 to 50,000 bucks in revenue, off of an investor, if not more realistically, the, the ones that I've been eyeing. So the, the properties that I've located, that I created a file with address everything. You know, just, and I know what what the exit price would be, would probably be an acquisition cost of anywhere between 1.8 to 2.9, maybe 3.2 million with an exit of if you bought at one eight, you'd probably be at five five. If you bought it 3 million, you'd probably be out at, I don't know, anywhere from high eights to double digits. So your revenue on the deal, I mean, it's, let's hypothetically call it 25 K per million. On on gross, gross, gross revenue. It's $25,000 a month. If we give you an extra, yeah. You've already, you've already hired a rockstar ad, man. Yeah. And that line of credit can give you the buffer. We'll call it the ball for courage to actually, you know, pursue that. So you've got revenue now to make a payroll, you can go find this person as long as you do a good job, training them. And they're clear on what their role is that you've documented that the processes in your business. And I would point you if you don't, if you don't feel like you're ready for that, I would point you to the E-Myth revisited. So look at every little piece of your company, document those processes. And I mean, checklist written video training. So when you bring this person on, they can wrap their head around everything. Brought it into this business over the last X number of years, they can quickly digest that and see where they plug in. And then, you know, in week two or week three, then you're out there doing those 20 hours of prospecting of investor prospecting. And then month, two or month three, you're hitting those consistent 25, $30,000 deals while she, he or she does your admin work. That's eating you up. Cause also I think I, a huge, huge weakness that I have in my business is I don't have a CRM. I mean, I think that's probably the worst thing for me to say. I really don't have one and I can't get myself to do it. I just find it. So time-consuming even though, I mean, it's, I it's tedious and time consuming. At the same time, I feel that if that were organized, it would create so much more clarity on the path of the journey. Oh it's this simple, you're losing it. You are losing money because of what you said, and I'm going to, I'm going to let David David on you here. He built his own version. I think he said that just to get me excited. He's all yours. Dave, go get it. You're an idiot, man. You're just talking out your ass right now. Need to get, you need to get a CRM. Yeah, no, I know. Man that is, oh, I'm actually looking at mine right now. I'm just like, I got 35 tasks to do. I got 79 emails. So Dave, like back up a little bit in times before you finally called yourself an idiot and hired, erm, and made that investment in your business, show some vulnerability here and tell him how damn dumb you are and what that timeline looked like. And how, what, what helped you make that decision? Yeah. Well shoot, when I got in the business, we didn't have the CRMs we have now that I'm very appreciative to have. So now everybody offers them. So which one do you pick there's? In, you know, it, I was with real estate webmasters forever since 2007. It's just a real estate web company, but they're in so demand there. Everyone kept asking, when are you going to build a database when are going to build database? And it just, it took them until probably 2012, 13 to actually organize a nice CRM. And then you know, all the other companies started coming out of hospital that had the zone. Nowadays every company there's thousands of them, but, I don't, the CRM is just your database. It's when I think about putting somebody I've already added two people this morning that probably will never sell the house, but we had really good conversations and they asked me to just send a business cartoon. So I put them a task there to call them. And six months from now, you know, I would not remember to call that person back in six months from now and ask them for referral. I've gotten so much business from just that's the Kevin Ward thing that he teaches a beer. You put them on your a, B or C list to call back and the party. Yeah. It's like a bucket. Yeah. It's like, yeah, so yeah, it, I pay for my CRM. It's the core of my business. I pay close to 1500 a month for it. It is an admin person. It is an employee, but I guarantee you, I make a million dollars for a meal. No, I hear you. I guess where I'm overwhelmed and it doesn't mean that I'm not willing to do it. I just need to figure out how to get myself to do it. I guess the overwhelm. Well, you call Sierra interactive and you say, I want the basic CRM giving you your credit card number. No, I get it. I, then I would then need to input the contacts that realistically I don't have everyone's contact. So that's not an excuse. I'm just trying to figure out where are your contacts? I get overwhelmed. Yeah, I have their phone numbers, but it's more like I would need in my opinion, but correct me if I'm wrong. I would almost maybe need to hire someone to take all those contexts and maybe create whether it's an Excel sheet or go into the CRM that you're referring to and actually fill those gaps out. I guess that's where I'm just seeing to do that. Yeah. Thanks. Remember then you ask them, I want to send you a Thanksgiving card. You get an address or an email from him, or you put a task in there or you put a task in there for 20 of them this month, 20 next month. I asked for an email address and that's just the task that you knock out. Yeah. I mean, I, yeah, I get it, man. And it sucks to move the CRM once you have one. So it's so critical to. To have something that you're going to work on. Yeah. But I see the importance. Yeah, go ahead. I want to give you some action steps here. Cause this is a big thing. Like this can get over overwhelming really quick. The first thing you need to do, like, what is your budget? Do you have $150 a month to spend? Or do you have 1500 or somewhere in the middle? Like what are you comfortable with? Yeah. Okay. Okay. Once you determined, you don't have to answer now it's stuff to think about, but then what features must you have, obviously any CRM is going to hold name, phone number. But is it customizable? Like, can you create your own custom ratings? Like David says, ABC, someone else will say hot, warm, cold. Someone else would say pro prospect client past client, but you want to be able to use, you want to be able to use tags. You want to be able to filter people down. So if you have somebody that. You know, contact type is investor and you want to have like a sub type. Where it's, you know, a long-term buy and hold landlord fix and flip, like, so you can break it down because your list, as your list grows, it becomes more overwhelming. So just make sure that it has all the features you want. There are a million CRM company, though. A lot of them are designed. It's just a blue box for realtors and the investment side of your business. It's not going to stand up. And that's how people like David ended up going with a custom build with a company like Sierra interact. Gary Nash was, is, has written on the board, their Salesforce and Salesforce is an extremely robust CRM. It has quite a bit of a learning curve, but there's, we can't answer these questions for you. You can go with Podio for, go with Podio for free, go to Upwork and hire a Podio expert to completely customize it. Or you can go plug to Sierra interactive and say, give me the David Pinel package. You know, Salesforce is great. It's, you're going to the good thing about the bigger platforms like Salesforce. Podio anything that's got a high adoption rate. You can typically find contractors that'll work for 30 to $50 an hour to do the build-out work. Okay. Then train your admin, and then your admin can clean up your contact. She can take your phone list, your spreadsheet, your spreadsheets, wherever your old contracts, your email account, wherever she can gather this information. Okay. And do the importance. There's, it's, it's tough. Like, you know, Gary is a Salesforce guy. I'm a HubSpot guy. David's a Sierra interactive guy. There's no right answer. You got to look at the feature set and what's absolutely necessary. I would say that having worked on at least a half a dozen and built from the ground up a half a dozen CRM, what. Pick one that you can grow into. Don't put like, cause what, like David said, it's extremely painful to make this move. So if you get a really basic CRM that doesn't fit your needs, you can't customize an add, you know, add certain variables to it here then six months or a year from now, you're going to be mad at how to, and a lot of CRM companies will make it difficult to handle the export import. It's a painful move. Yeah, pick one that you feel like you can afford one that you feel like you can grow into. You're not that you'll grow out of. And also look on Upwork and look around at other places to see when I'm stuck and you're going to get stuck. Even if it's just, I don't brick and feel like doing this anymore, I'm capable, but I don't want to do it. Like, can you find a contractor to do that work for you if you're stuck and that's the right, that's the right platform, the right combination of cost features and, you know, available help when you need it. And just to clarify, I haven't done any customization, but it's not the David L David's package on Sierra. They have 40 something programmers just because it's a cloud-based it's I pay $400 for just the CRM and website, I believe. But they it's it's 40 programmers that they're always adding stuff to and upgrading it. And that, to me, you know, it's just organized as I look at it, the first thing I look at when I log in, what do I need to do today? And I guess, share my screen if you want. I have like, I have 25 prime people ready to pop. Yeah. Sierra interactive. They're actually, they were with real estate webmasters and it got so frustrated with them that four of the realtors went and built their own company with a program. Now it's blossomed into 400 employees in Lewisville, Kentucky. And I think they're just, they're doing everything they can to help realtors. But for the investor side, it doesn't really do much for us, but I still put the context right. And just put a tag there for cash opportunities, wholesales, flippers, whole, you know, whatever it is cause I could, I get run a quick Excel tag. I can run my tags and get everybody I need to call you guys, like kind of you guys Hubbard on the main items that one should look for. And then also just kind of gave examples. It made it a lot more clear for me to get a better understanding of how you guys were peeling that onion. I'd rather see you. I started to call you knitted earlier. Yeah, probably I'm just, and everybody else. I apologize for my language. My goal is that two people to my CRM a day. So it's not like I need to import 6,000 people and then figure out how to category. Yeah. If you could add two people, 10 people a week, it's very minimum. That's like minimum. Yeah. But the idea is someday, you're going to give this to somebody else to run. Yeah. You're going to give it to an admin. You're going to give it to a buyers and you're going to give to a listing agent you're going to give to a acquisition agent. So in six months, I don't know where I'm going to be. I'm going to have two acquisition names. I need to tag everything. So that I say, look, you got these tests to do. No. That makes so much. So some folks ask what I used when I was in production as a realtor, what I found at the time without, building out something like Infusionsoft or HubSpot, I actually used top producer. And the reason I chose it, the predominant reason I chose it said was it has a really good transaction management side to it. So not only did it, not only that it act as a CRM, I built all of my personal checklist. I encouraged you earlier to get everything in your business, down to a system and a checklist like this is how we do a buyer contract. This is how we do an acquisition contract. This is how we do a listing agreement. Every one of those had a, I had a checklist for cross the, from prospect. Oh, well, from lead to prospect was a checklist from prospect to contract with a checklist from contract to close was a checklist. And I just simply turn those into workflows. So the CRM would tell me, or my assistant or my agents at any given time what, where we were in the life cycle of that deal. Now, a lot of other CRM companies have caught up and having an even better UI Salesforce and example, you can buy, plugins that are already pre where all this work has done. One thing I would say the biggest mistake I've made with CRM is I built them myself and I probably have one to 300 hours and CRM that I've built. I've built on Microsoft dynamics. I've built on Zoho, I've built on cold fusion and I've built on top producer. So those four and now HubSpot. So I've built my own from the ground up. And that's with, pretty proficient up myself on Microsoft dynamics first. But even though I have the skill set, it's still one of the stupidest thing I've ever done. So when I set out to build HubSpot for this company, like to switch from the cold fusion I actually was smart enough to hire help and get it done, but it's not inexpensive. I did take some money and grow box CRM up and running. It's having it be customizable is really good, but you have to be, have to balance, right? Like it's it's, you can really, you can really spend an exorbitant amount of time getting these things built. So the $1,500 a month can sound insanely expensive until you look at the amount of time or delegation required to get a CRM to that point of functionality. Like for example, Salesforce and Gary, I'm going to kick it to you here in a second, Salesforce has basically pretty smart and can help them prospect texting and emailing your people, with moving toward AI. They've invested heavily in, I don't know if Sierra interactive has that. I think you have SMS. That'd be greater than me. We have everything that they offer now and it's and most of the costs are running ads and stuff to the CRM. But so I just include that all that I shouldn't be quoted, but it should be marketing, but it's, Sierra has all that now with the help of some, outside coaching help. And Gary is, oh, so you're using Gary as a home bus, your franchisees land. I'll just, or you have a microphone here. Tell us what you love about Salesforce out. If you hired work to be done, what's your cost is we still don't have your audio. I only know why you're writing on the board. There we go. Can you hear me? Yeah. Okay, good. Yeah. Fortunately with the home Buster franchise, Salesforce comes with the package. And so really the way that I use it is I farm it out to a virtual assistant. And all I do is just plug the data and I gave her the perimeters and then she actually kind of managed it and then I would just get emails. That's really the easiest way, but the thing I like or love about Salesforce is that you can put all your variables in there and it's real easy to track, all of your leads. And like David said, you're not going to remember to call somebody in six months and you need. To help you or remind you of what's going on and where you last left off. And so, I mentioned Salesforce I've used when I had my construction company, there was a, another kind of a lead source that was designed for for contractors. And we were able to kind of plug that information there. And even before that, I think it was act, I think, used to be one that we were using, but I've never been without a CRM. It's really important. And so that's really kind of all I have to say about that chat. Okay. What I'd like you to do is first figure out what your budget is for this project. What's a comfortable monthly, and then you'll know that'll help you shorten the list. Then go look at the one, then that price category. We've talked about HubSpot, we've talked about Salesforce. We've talked about Sierra interactive. We've talked about Podio on the lower, the lower end of the scale. That's more of the DIY. Like, unless you can find that the plugins, but figure out what your budget is, then choose your platform, then decide whether you are going to start doing the contact aggregation, cleaning up your list and getting it ready for the import or whether that's something you can afford to sub out to a contractor, or whether you choose a company who might offer that as part of a service for being a subscriber to their plot. And then put a date to this, like, and I'll ask you right now in front of everybody. When is your CRM? All your imports are done and you've got, you're using it with this appoint, like it's part of your daily. The first thing you do in the morning is look at your CRM. What's that date? What's today? The third. 15th? Yeah. Okay. Okay. How about September 15th? How about in one month from now? 30 days. Does that sound fair? Okay. I'm writing that down. I'm literally writing that down. Yeah. I mean, it's, there's a lot of, there are a lot of options out there, but we've talked about, I mean, you've seen what, what we kind of use at the higher level. Some of the folks, I think it was Balcom that said he's using Podio, but he hasn't been very good at it. So if you don't mind jump in and share your experience with fed with Podio, I did build on it. That's when I forgot I didn't use it a whole lot. But anyone who using Podio regularly jumped back on and let them know what your experience is then? Sure. I can let him know. Yeah, I think I said that last week that it was I was a bit behind, I think it was during the last call. In all fairness to fit, I've got a programming background. So I don't think that I'm technically the. The common usage case, but honestly, to pair what Chad already said, I've already found like three or four of the developers where, you know, all they do is Podio development and, pretty much everything that, that Chad said that Gary said that David has said, they, they know all this stuff, they know everything that you need. You know, this is literally, this is all they do. They just develop Podio for investors in transfer agents. And you know, how come where are you? Are you finding your developers on Upwork? You, where do you find your help? Oh, I I listen 100% upward, 100%. I find everybody will not work and you can get them forward. You know, I don't want to say cheap because cheap has a low perceived value. So I'll say that, you know, very budget friendly affordably, like, the, the lowest one that I found he for the entire package. And I'm talking about like, full pipeline from your prospecting all the way to the transaction coordinator has got their hands on it. The lowest one that I found was two 50 and I keep, he gave me a tour and he showed me the entire walk through. And, you don't have to do anything. In fact, I only doesn't build it out for you. If you have a spreadsheet of raw data, you'll even have someone on his team, put the data in for you. So I've had so far, I think, great experiences with Podio definitely plan to move up to Salesforce one. Yeah. I've grown out of polio battle. I don't see that happening anytime soon. Right on. Thanks. Thanks for your input. So yeah, fed, I love that you're willing to put an aggressive date to it. You've got a big project, I would say that's one of those critical steps before you have a central place to work from each day, right? Like that's where you track deals that are at the deals that are in escrow need to be in there. And I mean, that's when the contract details need to be put in and that needs to be tracked throughout the system. And what you'll find is your level of customer service is going to go through the roof and it helps your relationship, your clients with your vendors, everyone around you be thankful that you. No, that makes total sense. And I agree because especially fortunately, lately the level of clientele from a wealth point of view has been going up. And therefore I noticed that obviously they, they have this expectation of, we want everything and more so obviously to your point. Yeah, I agree. I think that this is definitely the first step prior to otherwise the next move won't work. It's almost like building a house without a foundation. So without the foundation, it's not gonna stay up. So I completely agree. I have a question. Yeah, go ahead. I want to make one suggestion that I forgot earlier on when you're ready, when you're ready to find that out. And this is Really far outpaced the normal real estate. If you can find somebody who works in a title company or an escrow office that is happy in their work. And for example, they have to come to the office every day, but they want to work virtually a lot of times you can pay them the same money they're making and just give them more of the lifestyle that they can't achieve in their current role, because they have to be in the office, running back and forth courthouse all day. You can poach people from title companies and from banks, a bank employee bank tellers can be grossly underemployed. Like they can be have college degrees and MBAs and be really strong operators. People, but they just took the, they took the safe route, took a job a, at a bank branch. So be thinking about that too, like who do you know at title companies or at local bank that you can have a launch and have a conversation? That's one of the pointers I forgot to give you. That's good. No, that's really smart. Actually. I appreciate that. I'm going to do that for sure. If you see a title girl, that's about to have a baby, take her to lunch and put her on your team because she's gonna, but she'll still have that skillset and she still needs to make money. Right. So give her the lifestyle, freedom that she wants to and pay her the same money. I mean, operational skillsets. Yeah. No for sure that's actually a super good point. It's completely different topic, but still on the time management or I guess important versus urgent. So I've been doing a lot more door knocking. There is this neighborhood that I've been going after for quite some time now. And I decided to be a lot more pro proactive and just in front of people. And I decided with this associate that I'm doing it with that, we're going to quote unquote, touch the neighborhood by door knocking once a month by sending them a mailer, whether that's a postcard or some type of new newsletter once a month. So, so they're going to see us in person. Secondly, they're going to receive something in the mail and third, we're also going to reach out to them by internet. Okay. So. I'm noticing though that given the neighborhood at 600 homes, often my associate and I takes us about, we calculated it's about an hour for every hundred homes. So there's may actually call it two hours for every hundred homes. So then you got 600 homes total. It takes a lot of time between driving to the neighborhood and then doing it. What would you say the level of importance is of she and I doing the actual door knocking versus for example, hiring help to do that, or is the, is it, how is it extra important for us to be there? So that we're the face behind the information that's being provided, as opposed to getting it done faster. Does that make sense? We just finished the other day. It's 600, every time we go. Okay. And if you're not a hundred doors, good conversation, six. I mean, strangely this neighborhood everyone's super friendly, but yeah, maybe not that money. Yeah. That's true. I think what David said, probably. Yeah. If it's 10 out of every 600, we're being generous, let's put it that way. It's probably not important that you're the one doing it. You may even consider switching to more of a farming campaign where you use EDDM every door direct. And you just for pennies, you put, you put an eight and a half by 11 and there, it could replace that if you said I'm not 600 doors and I took six listings, I would tell your ass to be out there every month. Like you, you go do it. But if you're not like, if typically those campaigns are, it's a nine to 12 month cash conversion cycle, it's about repetition. Right? So if you can delegate that to a person, I don't know if anyone here has ever delegated door knocking, let me know. I don't, I'm not aware of anyone delegating it, but it may make more sense for you to just farm your farm, that area, using things like EDDM and get the touches in, get the repetition then. But the most valuable thing you have is your time. Like we said earlier, if you had 20 hours, if you weren't dark door knocking for 20 hours, what would you be doing? So you may think about delegating it to the mail. Yeah, fair enough. Yeah. That's why, because we're obviously we're looking to be creative, obviously not reinvent the wheel, but just also not be like every other realtor that's. So I'm dropping off a market report, ball of law. We did a thing over the holidays where, where we told the entire neighborhood, so we door knocked into our neighborhood and told them, Hey, look, since winter's coming to an end, we're picking up close for the less fortunate. Anything that you may not have were coming on this day between this time. And we got really good response. People were saying, oh my God, this is amazing, blah blah. And we got a ton of clothes for people. And then we followed up the following month with thank you so much for your donation. It was given to that, to this company and we sent them a picture. And then a few months later there was a Valentine's day. So we did. Whatever a cute little poucher three Hershey's kisses in each one. And then a little car that says happy Valentines to you and your loved ones from your trusted real estate specialist, Federico and Andrea. And every time we knocked at the door the irony was that, it was as often men who said, oh my God, thank you. This actually looks really cute. You just saved me. Now I'm not going to get in trouble with my wife. I'm going to just take your card out and give it to my wife or to my mother or whatever, but it worked out really well, but at least we did that. So that next time I see you, you connect me, saving you with your mother, your wife, your whatever, your significant other. And you connect us with, you picked up clothes for the less fortunate, blah, blah, blah. Now, a guy had a conversation with him and he said, oh, I wish I could win the lottery. I went and bought them three lottery tickets just dropped them off. He called me back. He said, oh my God. That was so great. I say, you know what? I hope you win, man. All over wherever a win. Yeah, go ahead. Sorry. I was joking wherever Brian Buzzini is he just got cold chills. I don't know if you've ever followed his stuff, but he basically has built a career out of teaching. What you just talked about as a system. Like that's the only thing you should ever do, right above you and mask screen is Steve and Steve, I think you said the other day you were out knocking doors in the a hundred degree Phoenix sheet. So what advice would you have to offer fed? Take lots of water. When you start babbling at the door and they offer it for about 10 minutes, I quit door knocking after 110. Wow. Why? Because you get delirious kill you. It will kill you. Ask Ronald. He'll tell you, what could you tell me how you door knock? How do I door knock? Yeah, walk up to the door with something of value to give them either a newsletter. We have the Cromford report here, which is real estate report on the market. Very comprehensive. I have a little newsletter that I send out. So, let me ask you a question. When you door knocked, you went up to the door and you stood right there. The door, absolutely take knock on the door and take two or three steps back. You don't want to be posing a threat and people come to the door. I've done it for years and several businesses. Yeah. I actually, I took a class on it and I thought it made just a lot of sense. When you go up and you knock on the door. Now I was always funding for real estate and I do it to this day. I'll knock on the door and then if it's five steps down, I'll go down and I'll step back about 10 feet. So there's a 15 foot buffer and I just stand there. And what that does is that makes the client come out or the prospect come out of the house because they feel safe. If I'm too close, they're just going to hold the door. And I got to speak through the door and it's a much friendlier environment. And for me in real estate, I would just I would just ask them, I'd say, look a friend of mine told me and I don't even know if I have the right house, but this house, it was a red brick house with blue shutters said that they were. Interested in selling, I don't suppose that's I got the right house. Do I? And they were just immediately engaged because they're outside and they feel safe. And then they start saying, well, yeah, or no no, it's not. Oh, well godly. I, you know, I just love his neighbor and me and my family want to move here. You don't happen to know anybody that's selling. Oh my God. And then, you know, oh, well, yeah, this couple here, they're getting a divorce. This guy over here is, you know, he just died and you know, it's like, and then you just kind of work that neighborhood. And eventually you get that reputation. But my big takeaway was. Go back. You know, you almost can't go too far back because it just makes them feel safe and they really open up. Usually it's about the second or third time around is when you become a familiar fixture in the neighborhood and people will open up to you and really tell you what you're thinking. If you're going to make a pass through a neighborhood wants don't even waste your time. Yeah. Yeah. I'm down on that. The process you have to groom it probably my biggest real estate experience was back years ago. The first time I got in, I worked a farm area like mad for a year. Did a newsletter, pulled a couple of deals out of it, got frustrated and left the business and went back into the electrical industry. And about eight months later, went into the office to visit the people I've worked with. And the broker came up and hugged me and thanked me. They were getting two to three deals a month out of my farm area. And they were actually walking into the office. They weren't even calling, they were walking into the office looking for me. So it's like the silver mine in Georgetown, Colorado, the biggest silver mine in history. The guys that owned it three guys gave up and sold all the stuff the shovels and picks and everything back to the store owner that sold it to him. He went in there with an engineer and they said, yeah, right here where they're digging five feet later, they hit a streak of silver that they're still mining today 120 years later. Wow. Holy crap. Hey Chad you guys touched on something that I thought might be helpful for you guys, and I don't, I'd never mentioned this to you. But if, can you give me can I share this real quick on the screen? Okay. Can everybody see this spreadsheet? Yep. We've got you. You might know Matt a little here. You may want to zoom out a little, zoom man. Bottom, right? You'll see a plus minus bar. Oh yes. Are we there? Yeah, we're good. Okay. All right. So, but, I guess, I forget it was I guess Nat, Nate, was he the one that was, I'm anyway, when you guys were talking and this just kinda spawned me a little bit, so, Yeah, we were talking about CRM. And one of the things that I give when I owned my construction company and I do today is I set up a cashflow forecasting spreadsheet. And the reason of this is that, you know, when I first started business, I wanted to know, you know, if I took all of my operating expenses right. And average that out, which out at the time was 18,000. And then. I wouldn't do a percentage of my materials and what I would spend on my material, you know, for, you know, for all my projects, it w it comes out to a number. So then I was able to, you know, basically say that, you know, my, my material costs based upon my volume was going to be 51%. And so these were like the numbers, you know, that of the yellow were weeks that I've actually closed out. And at this particular time, before I set up another spreadsheet or saved it as something different you know, I would just, that's the way I would be able to tell, like, okay, this is where I'm at. I'm right here on this week here. I haven't hit that week yet, but in cash flow, When you're looking at your cashflow, what Michael Gerber taught me was eight weeks of slated. Cashflow is happiness. 12 weeks of slated cashflow is peace of mind. And you can see like, I'm trying not to go too fast. We were generating about $161,000 a week. And volume. And so when you subtracted out the payroll and my percentage costs, you know, you can see whether or not this number here is your bank balance moving forward. And so am I going in business or am I going out of business? And you can see that number just goes up. So, and this, and we're back to S in, on a bridge of this to CRM, because I could see, you know, down the road I needed to sell. I needed, you know, I got 12 weeks. I had 12 weeks in here, so I needed to get out there. And that was my butt kicker, you know, on my sales. And then, you know, I, you know, I'd have my total revenues here. So if you looked at this, you know, some weeks you hit it some weeks, you don't, you know, some weeks, you know, you know, it is what it is, but it's, it comes out to an average of whatever it is that you're doing. So that's how I was able to, you know, basically set up this with, you know, 161,000. That's what I performed on before. And so if I'd done it before, I should be able to do it again so that I would use that number. And then as you could say, you know, my numbers were continually going up. And so this would be all of my, these were construction projects, but now I use it as a rental property. So, They, you know, so then you come down here, I'd have my total revenues. And then my weekly payroll was about 46,000. So that would be subtracted. And then my overhead was running about 18,000 a week. And then I would do my projected cost of my materials. And then I would have a balance word right here of what it was. And then that would carry over. Bam come all the way back up to here and then go back down, come back up, go back down. And so when you're looking at CRM, you know, I, if I had a prospect sometimes you know, whether the project was on hold or if I had something that was pretty much a lock, I would go ahead and put it in there just to remind me that it's out there. And I love this because it, it's just one sheet and I don't have to go to another form or another, you know, to get the full skinny, I don't know if anybody likes this or not, but I just thought I'd throw that out there. You know, so QuickBooks, I don't know why it's one of the things that it's very common in finance, rolling cashflow report, but QuickBooks took it out of QuickBooks online. It's still on the desktop. But that's something that's really helpful to, like, you can, you can use QuickBooks to do that, but like with top producer as a CRM, like it was as long as you were booking your deals it would actually show you revenue. It didn't bring in expenses and everything that you've got on your sheet, but that's something else to consider, you know, if you, and I'm not aware, cause I haven't been done production, but there, you know, something that would be great if, if a CRM would integrate with QuickBooks online through API. Oh yeah. I don't know. I don't know if David does the Sierra do that. Does it integrate with your quick. No, I just use CTE, but I'm trying to, I'm thinking about going to Suzu it integrates real well Sierra, but they are, they're trying, I think their next big release is the transaction management, and then they're gonna figure out how to really have a, do you have your transaction numbers on there and you put your costs in there. So they're eliminating CT a little bit at a time, but with the transaction management, you'll be able to track everything you're doing. I think so like top producer and attract revenue, but right now you see T so I just plugged in the numbers there. I also wanted to say you're you were talking about this is Michael Gerber's, the E-Myth contractor. And I don't know if he can see that. It's it just says Gary Nash, national construction. He quoted me in his book. I thought it was kinda neat. Michael Gerber. Interesting guy was, unfortunately we lost him four or five years ago. Oh, wow. Ronald, you've been very patiently waiting, man. You got your hand up. How can we help you? Well, thank you. I've got a question for you. You advise me to start this Phoenix life transition. That's a while back. And we, we started doing that and I interviewed my first person last week, a state planning attorney. Tomorrow I'm going to be interviewing a grief specialist with Hansen's mortuary. I'm really pleased to have her on, on tomorrow. Now the question that I've got is I'm really looking for. People that I can refer to my estate planning attorneys, I want to keep those, attorneys fed and they'll return referrals to me. Right. That's that's one of the big goals. Well, as I was talking with the grief specialist, she happened to say to me, you know, I talked to people all the time about their estate plans and, and they tell me all the time, well, I don't have an estate plan. I need to get an estate plan. And she says, I don't know any attorneys to refer them to. And I said, well, send them to me. I will talk to them and find out, you know, what, what the situation is. And I can, I can tell you, which is the right attorney for them to, to see. And she's a little reluctant to do that, I guess, because it seems, probably seems odd to her to send, you know, oh, you need an attorney. We'll go talk to my real estate. That probably seems a little weird, but that's what you need to train hashtag not all right. Say it again, but we gave her with just a realtor. Okay. We don't want her introducing you as a real estate agent. Or even as a real estate professional, she could say, well, listen, actually one of my professional contacts, Ronald, as a team of people and help families with all aspects of life transition. And he actually has already, typically when someone asks him, he can understand what their needs are and then choose the right attorney that best fits the family's needs. It's not, oh, call this guy. He's a realtor. It's that? So it's, she can explain what that relationship is and that what would be important is that she can, you know, can highlight the fact that you have gone out and built relationships with these attorneys. You understand who they are, you can connect them to the right one. Okay. That's helpful. I think that may, that may help her to be relaxed and able to do that. I can give you, you have a list, right? You're buying leads or gathering Euro. I ran a test last week on Facebook. I've never gotten this good for his whole pretty good success. Facebook video watch campaign. I had 17,000 people see the video 15,000, watched it all the way through and I spent a hundred bucks. For the math. So if you're producing this content, like if you have a grief counselor and an estate planning attorney, if you have that video, turn that, take your, take your entire probate list. Everyone, every lead you've ever gotten, put that in the Facebook as a custom audience. And just run that as a video watch campaign, you can for penny, for under a penny of a watch, a full watch under a penny, I was able to get people are watching the video. So if you put a thousand probate leads in there and you can get the same CPR that I did like that same cost per result would it be worth a penny to have somebody watch that video that's in that situation? So it's a way to a way to just put a little bit of a budget, a little bit of paid, paid ads behind your content effort. It's going to work organically. You'll get people to find it, but to give it a bump and go ahead and run it as a, as a video video watch is the adaptation. A bunch of different ad objectives, but there's no call to action. You can, you can put in, you know, your, your intro outro, you can put it in your domain or phone number, but there's no clickable call to action. The whole point is just to get them to watch it just paying for the brand impression and at a penny I'll pay for brand impressions all day at all, just a little something extra to get some momentum behind those. Cause that's, that's really valuable content. And you can just put I mean, how many leads do you think you have in total? I, I not very many that have email addresses. That's no matter you're, you're gonna, you're gonna use Facebook has 640 unique match points on 90% of Americans. So as we have their first name, last name, mailing address, phone number, like where they're going to match on multiple. So you don't have to have their email address. It helped. It's just, it's a, it's a useful match point if you have that, but they're going to match on other things. They've got demographic databases, credit databases, you know, all kinds of stuff. And we can't see that stuff, but they have cost on the backend. So that's how we can get 90% match rates on a probate list. Even if we don't have, you know, their email address or, okay. All right. Well, something you can do for probably $5 a day. You can get multiple brand impressions and get those videos, like get sort of videos watched, and you obviously upload the video natively to your Facebook page for, for Phoenix transitions and then connect your community groups to your page. So as they watch the video, if they click yeah. Phoenix transitions, then they're on your Facebook page. Then they can click the Phoenix transition community support group. Then they're in your group. And that you're just working on the one slowly building trust, valuable content that you're already doing. Okay. That, that sounds really valuable. I didn't really, I thought I had to have an email address in order to re target folks like that. You do it as a science and math took the first time last mailing address on number and the fields are empty. It'll just skip it. So how many how large was the custom audience you uploaded in order to get 14,000 viewers or whatever you said that actually wasn't, that was saved up. That was in the real estate space. Not for probate. Okay. That was for this company. I was just playing. You can pick up in three months, it's completely different. So I have not been able to, you know, four to five, six times is pretty typical video, but the watch throughs was what was amazing to me that 15 and watch the whole thing. That was interesting. I paid a penny for them to do it, but like if you've got a thousand people in your probate audience, a $10, budget's going to go a hell of a long way. You'll probably get 12 to 30 brand impressions a day. Running a budget like that. And then each time you upload a video, just create a different, you can use the same campaign, the same ad set, but at the ad level, just when you upload a new video, make a new app and run it to the same audience, the same campaign, the same answer, a new ad this week. It's the attorney next week. It's the grief counselor next week. It's, you know, the estate sale professional, and they'll get used to thing like for pennies on the dollar. You'll be in front of them putting these professionals out there and you're not asking for anything. It's non salesy at all. This is, it's a hybrid. So it's still a part of your inbound marketing campaign, but you are putting a paid budget behind it just to give it more momentum. Okay. So the way I'm running this, actually I'm running it on a platform called . And that allows me to to be live on both Facebook group and on YouTube, my youth, I started a YouTube channel for Phoenix life transitions. So both of them that same time. So that's where I'm at. I'm so the other question I had any other, do you have any other ideas you're so great at these ideas jet, any other ideas for finding people who need estate planning work need to trust or will? I mean, I feel like average, you can find a person that's wealthy and has an ego. They usually go hand in hand, golf course. I mean, it just, as you're organically build relationship, you can always reference, I'm going to tell you last year. I don't realize how much exposure, you know, my estate, I really helping other families kind of woke me up. Vocable and set up an estate plan. Have you ever done that? I can be done that for your estate and it can just be a pretty casual, organic conversation if they clam up and their body language is kind of reclusive, then just back off and move on to the next one. You don't have to take it. Yeah. I mean, quite honestly, I'm like in your friends group and any kind of Facebook group, any kind of networking events you go to most people. I mean, pretty much anyone who's got over, especially if you've got over a hundred work, you should have. Even if that's as simple as having your property title, you know, like your real estate is as the entirety with rights of survivorship probate, it doesn't always have to be a full-blown revoked living trust title property. So I'll add my sister to my bank. I don't mind cars, Chad and or, you know, so it transfers a Tod that's from death. People just need a simple as they, but so if they're, you know, on the lower end of the wealth spectrum, they still should talk to an attorney and get help and legal advice on how to properly title property to avoid probate they're on that other end of the spectrum, they probably do need an irrevocable living trust, at least those people, anyone that's over a million dollars in networks really should have an asset protection trust, even if it's just the meth stick, asset protection trust. So, you know, to protect them from lawsuits and becoming a target of litigate. Anywhere that you can find a fluent people and choking on really, our ego tells us we're invincible, we'll never die. We don't need an estate plan. Right. A lot of people think that way, and that's how they end up, you know, freaking out at the last minute to pay, but they can't because they don't want to sell all the family property and they're stuck and that's ego will happen to me. So you, you, anywhere, you can find people who have been thinking that way. I'm not calling them out on it, but just saying, Hey, what I did, you know, I, I was thinking about that this way, but one day I woke up and what I did is I put a plan in place and now I help a lot of the families do that. Have you done that? And I find that to be effective. It doesn't make them, you're not criticizing them for not having it. You're saying, you know, listen, it's the feel felt found. Right. I felt like I didn't need it. Well, what I found was it was actually the smartest thing I've done for my state. So at the beginning of the call, man, you need to be sure I'm out here and I'm on the whole river. Have a beer with you. Yeah. But it's too damn hot. So I came out here to the Pacific air conditioning. I got hungry watching him eat man. I was like, God damn, haven't eaten lunch yet. But sounds like you've had a good week. Tell us about your win. Yeah, I kinda, the stars lined up this week, man. We got five new listings going active. I get all the paperwork done by Thursday. So one more transaction. I do. So yeah. Now you've got all five coming active this week. How long? How, like how far back to those contacts go to the first conversation on the longest one? Sure. It goes all the way back to January for the longest one. And then February after that last year for another one, actually. So three of them that are Coatesville properties. So the furthest one back, we ended up selling three homes. And then the one that I've gone through right now, I should go into the Kwame, some in the foothills of the cascade bounds. And that one went back to February. So we sold a condo in Edmonds and then put to a five acre property out here. So right next to this, we're going to ask 150,000 for that one. So I'll be a nice, I just want to know. That's great. So what's your total? What's the, what's the total growth across those paths? Let's see, we got nine fifty nine first. So call me, I'm going to edit it up yet. 9 59, nine 60 for Kirkland, three 50 for black diamond, 9 909 54. Curious, basically $4.2 million. Yeah. Everyone has a 4% commission on our side. Yeah. That's amazing, man. So you've got almost, almost four and a half million dollars worth of listings coming through. Yeah. Yeah. One of them is not a probate. It's the referrals from the probate. So she goes to PR we sold her mom's house back in March or sorry, April it closed. But her and her husband are moving to North Carolina to be with their son. And she called me up and said, we want you to sell. So it's amazing. The indirect month gone that extra mile, offering that extra thing like that comes back to you as million dollar list. So anyone who doesn't like to do the non-dollar, the things that you don't get paid on right now, my attention that's where those future deals come back and you get surprised. I had, I was going to tell you, Corey, I have my record week with seven lists. It was actually from Wednesday to Friday, I, I posted seven probate listings, but it was following a two month dry spell. And we were all the leads was just starting to gain momentum. And, you know, I was becoming like, The public figure in this space and I'm like, shit, I not working anymore. And I had gone two months with nothing. I could not get a deal. And all of a sudden I had seven inbound listings over three days. I had my ass handed to me, but my price is shirt. I sure wasn't $4 million in inventory. So good for you, man. I'm like, I'm glad to hear that. Yeah. Other than just sticking with these folks and following up, and I know you, you just made David hard and happy when I heard you say you stuck with him for eight months. And other than that, like that, making sure that you stay in touch, what would you attribute the success to? Is it consistency? Is it your marketing? Is it your approach? What can others learn from. Yeah. Being consistent and picking up the phone, like, you know, all those deals. We picked up the phone multiple times and you know, sometimes their voicemail, sometimes we got ahold of them, but just being consistent and not being afraid to call, I call it calling for me. Like I've been working with David and you guys for the last year. But calling I've been getting better and better at it. And hands down calling is the best way to get in. And you know, not a lot of people will call. So, but calling and then following up with a letter, if I get, I get somebody on the phone and then I'm talking to them and having a good conversation and I get the appointment sometimes I won't send a letter, but if I don't get a hold of them, then I'm definitely sending the letter. So that calling got a call. Awesome. Great. Thanks for sharing. That's excellent. That's it. Yeah, that's the plan. So now he's coming for you. He's going to take your seven figure trophy. Yeah, no, that's fine. I'm ready to step down. Ready to be, get me RV and step down. Yeah, come out here. We'll we'll go steelhead fishing. It's like 20 feet that way. Nice. Corey, before we run, I'll be in Leavenworth. I'm gonna, I think I'm going to hang out here for like two weeks. But I'll be in Leavenworth and two weeks. So if you want to come over and spend some time together, we should. Thank you. Yeah, that'd be great. All right, Gary Nash. You're up last. I see your hand up. Yeah, I was, you guys were talking about the Facebook and you know, on Nate gape and marketing with Facebook and stuff, and that they've got some real restrictions on the word investing right now or real estate or real estate. So, but YouTube right now is not. And I was going to recommend to you know, you guys, one of the things that I've done is I've set up a YouTube channel with just my name, because I guess to me, the flexibility to talk about anything, and I can then talk about genius investing academy, or I can talk to you about, you know, how to get on American ninja warrior. I liked that flexibility. And by becoming that expert in your field, then of course you can set up those videos and, you know, just talk about, you know, you know, if you're in probate, you need this help, whatever. I mean, if anytime you can get any kind of public awareness from that, you're, it's, you're going to get some traction off of that. And that also gives you credibility. And I mean, you know, It's good advice. I mean, YouTube, it's an amazing platform. It's YouTube is, can you hear me here? Yes. Was challenging with probate because we can't create that custom audience. Like we can't take just the probate list and target them. That's why I suggested Facebook for that particular campaign. What he's done on his organic, like his inbound strategy. He's uploading natively to YouTube and natively to the Facebook group to get the organic traffic. But it's hard to target probate from YouTube because they don't have where we can take a customer list, upload it, and then just run ads to them. That's where Facebook really shine. Being able to do that. So if we knew, and then the thing is about the personal representative, come in many colors, right? It's hard to target them based on that fact, because it's not a data point that anyone has and demographically, they could be anyone. So it's without running just a general broadcast message through in 25 miles of you and hitting everybody, which can be very expensive. That's where Facebook can be a really good, like using their custom audiences. It can be very effective in putting some momentum on your organic stuff. Sure. Just just want to be careful on the words that you're using because they're flagging, you know, that video, I think I've put together when I went out and measured your house. I put that together and talked about how I flipped that stair around to create more space in that kitchen. And because I said real estate investors, you know that, oh my God, whack, like, yeah, there are algorithms, basically everything I do with all the leads, I actually got us white list. And so we go under the algorithm underwriting, but it took quite a bit of time to do, and I'm working with them right now on that. And anything you put up with the word real estate in it automatically flagged, and you can appeal and submit for human review, but it takes time. And it's frustrating, but I do have another call to jump on in two minutes. Thanks for sharing the wind, all the good ideas. Good conversation. Sorry about the bumpy internet in the beginning. I'll be sure to be on this network next week, but I love these calls guys. Thanks for all your contributions and for all your help and have a great week.