Estate Professionals Mastermind - Probate and Senior Real Estate Podcast

Marketing your real estate vendor list, Dealing with call reluctance, and more probate real estate coaching

Probate Mastery Real Estate Coaching with Bill Gross Episode 75

Worth noting:
1) EARN has launched! Promotional pricing available for a limited time: Learn how to stop relying on lead lists and earn attorney referrals now:

2) REPLAY AVAILABLE: Driving For Dollars and Deal Machine best practices with David Pannell livestream is available for replay:

Full show notes:
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Episode segments (YouTube Timestamps):
0:00 Probate listings, title, and escrow: Problems at closing (Probate Sale)
2:38 Scripts for new real estate agents vs. new probate agents (Imposter Syndrome)
5:54 How to market your probate service team and find vendor partners (Building your Vendor Team)
12:39 Dealing with rejection when cold calling for real estate leads (Sales Coaching)
17:44 Building momentum in your real estate business (Real Estate Mindset)
20:10 Selling an inherited house with missing heirs (Probate Process)
25:02 Conservatorship sale of real property (Probate Conservatorship)

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Great. Hey, so this call, we do I'm sorry, I got here maybe a minute or two late. I'm bill gross. I'm just like you guys. I'm a practitioner of real estate. I'm a real estate broker associate with eXp Realty in Los Angeles, California. And I also have a probate team I'm building nationwide. I sell houses and this morning talked to a seller on the phone, on a listing appointment with all my team members. That's what I do.. I was a little bit late cause I was talking to somebody else as well. So I apologize for that, but I'm a practitioner I've took Chad's program three and a half years ago, as I mentioned, and I consider him my probate coach ever since. I've taken other programs, but I can say that this is the one that's really transformed my business. And so when he had some personal issues, I offered to step in and host this because I need this weekly program to go on and I'm willing to be a service to help out. The purpose, this call is for us practitioners to share best practices and questions and work through the program as we build business. There's no silly questions because if you have a question, no doubt there are one or two other people on the call and there are probably people listening on the YouTube who would also have the same problem. And I always tell agents I coach that if you don't have problems, you're not working hard enough because we as agents get paid to solve other people's problems. That's our basic business. And probate is another I'll. I'll just share with you guys a story this morning. I have a team member in Southern California who asked me to go to listing presentation via video with a seller. Seller listed the property and discovered now the listing agent didn't order prelim when they listed it... mistake. I probably didn't read the profile when they listed it. Basic mistake. Discovered in escrow that the property was owned, not just by the who signed the listing contract, but by a decedent as well. And they had to cancel the escrow and cancel the listing. We're gonna list the property and we're gonna represent the estate and help them through the process, help them through the legal process of the probate. And because of that, I'm gonna get a listing somebody else went all the way down to the 11th hour, and we're gonna get paid. And that's the purpose of this call. It's not just, I get paid, which is great. I love getting paid. My team member gets paid. We love that, but we're helping somebody who really this customer is really indigent. Like this is life changing money. They thought 30 days away from getting paid. And they find out that they can't. So that's what we do. That's our opportunity we have here with families. There's a whole assortment of other problems we can help them solve. Uh, In the course of talking to him, it turns out he has another property that we're gonna hopefully list from as well, that has another probate issue. So that's what we do. And how do we do that? We do that by finding people with problems and offering to solve them. So anyhow, anybody have any questions today? It's meant to be interactive. If you're here, feel free to raise your hand. If not. Here you go. So how can you overcome imposter syndrome when representing yourself as a Certified probate expert? So Vince asked a great question. And this is one that all of us were new in real estate. This is a common challenge that we all have and the same problem exists in every probate training program. But the same problem, if you think about it is real estate agent problem as well. Vince, are you an experienced agent or brand new real estate agent? 28 years. Okay. So at some point though, and this is a, again, a common issue. Think back when you're a brand new agent somebody said, you know how long you've been in the business and we all feared that question. And I wish coach agents. There's two ways. You can answer that question when you're brand new one is "I'm brand new, but the good news for you is that means that you are my most important client. I also happen to have a whole team of people who are gonna help me with this. So if there was any time I don't know what to do. I'm gonna go to them and ask them. I have to double check all my paperwork, but I'm gonna kill to get your home sold and get you the best price possible. Is that the kind of agent you wanna have helping you?" That's an option. Second option is you can rely on the experience and expertise of your team. Almost every realtor works for some sort of office. You have a broker, you have an owner, and if you don't. You're part of this group, you can legitimately say "I'm part of a probate network of 3000 real estate agents and investors across the country. And I'm on that call every week, working with experts, the best of the best. We talk to attorneys, we talk to vendors to find out the best practices. So not only are you getting a real estate agent, you're getting somebody who's involved in the largest probate network in the country." Now you have to believe that for it to come across to somebody else. Let me ask you guys when I said that, did you believe that answer? That sound real for you? If it, if did, but yes, if no, be honest. Say no. I once had an attorney ask me how many properties I sold in court. I got some yeses. I can't get you nos. I'll take I'll. I'll assume if it was no, you don't wanna put it in there cuz you'll embarrass me. You can't really embarrass me. I had an attorney ask me how many properties I had sold that needed court confirmation. And I hadn't sold any at that point, but I'd seen hundreds of them. The funny thing was, I told her none. And even though she was referred by an attorney who I'd done other work for, and I know would've done a great job. I have watched her since and she doesn't, the agent she works with is not good. I did get her business a year later. I came back to her said, Hey, I've closed 25 court confirmations in the last year. I've done more than anybody else other than the court's appoint And I know I can do a great job on yours. I couldn't get a return, a phone call or an email. So sometimes that question is just a nice way of saying I don't wanna work with you. Sometimes it is actually a question, but I believe you need to have that answer down. Maybe you need to write it out maybe you need to role play it. Maybe you need to video yourself saying it. But you need to get to where you believe you are the best. And so the key phrase that you used Vince was imposter syndrome. You're not an imposter. If you've been in business 28 years, you've probably sold hundreds of homes. And I know what company you work for, but you probably have a broker or owner or somebody there who's very experienced and has done maybe some probate or maybe at the regional office or the national office or whatever. And even if not, that, if you're all on your own, you have all of us as experts to help you in your business. So hopefully it helps Vince. And if not, then you maybe have to think about changing to where you can get those kind of resources you need.

Philip asks:

is there a vendor template available for service provider team building. So Phil ask a question that comes up regularly in Chad's coaching which is that he's advising us to be the solution to our customer's problems. I tell people. I'm your real estate resource from the front sidewalk to the back fence, digging deep into the mineral rights and air rights above you. Anything to do with your property, I'm here to help you. I either have the answer or I'll get you the answer. So when I say it like that, who is the key person on the service provider list? When I say it like that, who's the number one most important. You are. I am the service provider. Now, most times as a service provider, I'm gonna delegate that to somebody else. Who's gonna do the actual work. I'm not gonna cut a tree. I'm not going to do junk out. I'm not going to do Molly maids and clean it up, but I've got people. And if I don't have people in that area, I'll find people. You have to be committed to being that person. I had a property where. I represented an investor buying a probate property. The listing agent didn't wanna lift a finger to clean out the property. It was just junk everywhere. And there were cars on the property and cars present some other legal issues. But I also knew I had the opportunity to earn the business of the attorney by offering to step in and say, "Hey, we need to get the junk out. There's health issues here. There's stuff that's unsafe in the refrigerator. That would be a health issue. If cars are a value to your estate, let me help you with that." Now I didn't drive down and hotwire the car to sell it to somebody. I called the guy who did that. It was a couple phone calls to find somebody, and then he did it state got some cash. And I, I said, I'm gonna take that cash and use that to clean out the property. And the attorney was great with it. The attorney said, spend it all, get all that stuff out of there. All they wanted was a couple key items that I took care of. And here I'm the buyer's agent doing that. So to answer your question, Philip, you are the service provider. And I don't know, I would spend time finding people on your list. What I've done is as I find them, I interview them on YouTube and use that as marketing material, I've interviewed junk out people, cleanup people estate, cell people, every kind of vendor I can think of.... to demonstrate to probate attorneys the different people that I know. But I don't need to wait to get business till I find one of each provider, cuz I'm in LA. I might need five of each in each direction, the valley, the south bay and orange county. So it would be endless to build the roster. It will be, but I'll forever be adding people into my list. Okay. And then Scott says you probably know more than they do. Well, that's the truth, if you saw the movie catch me, if you can, Leonardo DiCaprio is an imposter. He plays a high school substitute teacher in, I think it was math or history. And they asked him how could you teach a class? You were just a couple years old and them, and the actual, he said was why just write the chapter ahead of them. As long as I knew one chapter ahead of them, I was an expert. Okay. And then says you specialize in real estate appraisal for the 20 years now, transition back to sales. Look, you've been in real estate the whole time, and I think that we segment ourselves on a way customers don't. If you spent 20 years doing appraisal work, you've seen way more property in your realtor and you look at more values. You leverage that. Don't diminish that. Leverage that when you talk to your customers about your business. Yes, you should see the interview with Frank Abagnale on Johnny Carson. That's catch me if you can. That was the actual real life person. That's fantastic. Pete says, "can you go through the kind of questions you ask when an interviewing prospective vendors? I find I give out a lot of referrals, but don't get any back." So Pete, I'll agree with you that I give out way more frozen than I ever get back. But I'm not giving out the referral to get their referral, though. I would like it and expect it, but I'd get my feelings hurt all the time. But I'm giving out referrals for the benefit of the customer, not for the benefit of the vendor. And that's where I think we can get off track if we're giving business to somebody, because we think we're gonna get it back, we're not really giving, we're taking. We're just, it's a complicated form of taking. And so what I would say, Pete is the best vendors I find are so busy. They're gonna forget you and you need to reach out to them. You add them into your COI, your center of influence, or your sphere of influence marketing package, and you email them and you call them and you reach back out to them. The questions I ask, I think the first thing I always in an interview is start off with personal questions. Where'd you grow up? Where'd you go to school, and how'd you get in the business. And then I try to describe their business in detail. And I also try to talk about who's successful using their business and who's not and what the distinction is. Those are always the things I focus on.

So things like:

the most successful agents, what do they do? What is it the less successful agents don't do? And what holds people up from being successful? Those are the kind of areas I always focus on. Hope to help. So watch my videos, my YouTube channel is Bill Gross eXp, and I interview different vendors there. Vince says, you like to see where referral vendors being bonded, I think is the type of bonded insured, or could they be mom and pop outfits? I don't really care. Bonded insured is important in certain things if you're handling money or valuables, but for the most part, I'm looking for somebody who has a track record of success. So I don't get too deep into those things. But it's good to be bonded. It's good to have insurance, so hope that helps. Okay. And Pete, you're welcome. Good. Okay, so we knock through some questions. Let's see. Does Chad say don't give out the vendor list directly to the PA or is that not correct? So Deborah, I wouldn't. I think that I do give out certain... It's funny. If you go to my website, I have a list. For example, of probate data, Chad doesn't sell probate data. At his prior company. They did all the is where Chad used to coach and they were in the business selling the data. And I think their data's really good. It's good quality. They I think vet it well and double check it or whatever you can do, it's not perfect, but I'm not involved with them. I mean, I like them and I appreciate them, but I also know that their data is a little more expensive. And for agents starting out, it's difficult. And if you're not gonna use their mail service, they're they integrate really well with their mailing. If you're gonna use mail, I would say use their data and use their mail service. And the integration's great. If you're not, if you're just gonna call, there's usually some cheaper alternatives, especially if you're getting started, but I list all data services on my website. And you can so I give out a vendor list, I guess maybe I'm violating my own rule, but I would generally not. I don't give out the vendor list to anybody cuz it's always changing and upgrading. I want them to call me. I started in the Mike Ferry system and the whole goal, there was never everybody call you and you were just prospecting sellers and setting appointments. And I would say this is 180 degrees opposite, which is, I want people to call me. I want attorneys to call me. I had one call me last week for document. Could I introduce him to my title rep, could I send him a link to the software and he get it on his own? Of course. I want them to call me. Of course, I want them to call me to be the solution to the customer. So I wouldn't give out the vendor list just because I want them to talk to me. I want them to value the relationship. And I don't have a problem giving 'em vendors, but I don't wanna give out the list.. I want them to call me for questions, if that makes sense. Uh, Rich has his hand up. What's going on, man? Hey just I wanted to ask David quick question, cause I know he hits the phones a lot I'm getting some really nasty people on the phone. I'm getting people telling my business after I say, Hey so real quick, what are you guys doing with the property in the estate, or real estate in the estate? So I'm getting like nasty people saying, oh, none of your business. What do you, what, know, how do you handle? You just gotta rub some sugar on those conversations... If you could just focus on two good contacts out of a hundred leads, probate leads, distress foreclosure, expired, for sale by owner leads. If you could really just hone on in a 45 minute or a 90 minute window to prospect, and you could get two good people on a market update that are gonna sell a house in the next year. Not today. I think we're taught that we need to get that appointment right now. I think that probably works in 2013 but if you listen to the calls now from people and have VAs and all those people, they're using the exact same script that's taught: Hey, I have a team, Hey, I'm the best person to sell this house. They don't wanna hear that bullshit. Sorry, my language. They don't wanna hear it. The thing that constantly comes back to my mind is conversation, but handling the objections and conditions. So the best thing you could do, and my advice is to write down all the conditions and objections that you're gonna come across in that niche. And once you practice, you don't need to role play with people that are not gonna show up to role play with you. You need to go on a run, or a walk, a five mile walk and practice those objections out loud, outside your head. And the conditions. So when you're on the phone, they say, so when you're on the phone and they say, Hey, I, I don't have a house. But it says right here on the records that you still own the house, is there something I'm missing? Well, they just want to get you off the phone. It's kinda like when you go into a furniture store and you say, I'm just looking. It's the conversations. You have a pattern to interrupt. You have bridge questions, which I say objections, and condition questions. You have you have bridge questions to get the information you want to figure out if that is gonna be a lead for you and you're gonna be able to solve a problem for them. If those two things aren't there, you're not gonna have a good conversation that leads to an appointment 12 months from now, 18 months from now. Everybody's goal on this. If you're calling and prospecting probate is to fill that CRM up with people that have a have the intention to sell. I have 400, 500 people in here, but I'm only expecting to get 30 of those people to actually sell with me this year. So the numbers are ridiculously low, but when you go to list a probate property or buy the house, which I'm totally into, I would rather not be the listing agent at this point. I just wanna buy houses. But it's that conversation. You just gotta have those principles. You want those principles to up that conversation. So, Yeah. I would say, and I know what David's saying right from his experience, but I would say to you. There are two mindsets you need to master when you cold call. Number one, like Dave said, it's a numbers game. If I gave you a $1 billion diamond mine, would you complain about the dirt between the diamonds? No, you'd say thank you and dig the diamonds out. Right? So bad phone numbers. I get this all the time. Most of the phone numbers are bad. Yeah. Most phone numbers are bad. There you go. Deal with it if you wanna make a lot of money. Many people are not nice to me in the phone. Yeah. Some people, depending on your market area, I'm in LA, it's different in different areas. A lot of people, aren't nice on the phone. Deal with it. It's a numbers game. And like Dave said, if you get one or two a day, you're gonna build a great business. So it's a numbers game and you deal with it emotionally. Just know that's the process. But on the flip side of that at the same time, you have to have the mindset that there's a reason why they respond to me this way. What do I need to do to be better so they don't? People are mean to telemarketers, correct? People are not mean to a local friend of theirs calling to help them. So they must see you as a telemarketer, not as a local friend. So at the same time, you have to look at it, your numbers but the exact same time, how could I be better next time? And I think Dave asked or, gave you some nuggets there, right? A pattern, interrupt, make sure you're asking questions to help them, make sure you're not going for the close too quickly. Asking them what they're gonna do with the house.... it's kinda like saying, when can we go to bed together to a girl on the phone? I mean, it might not be the right time to ask that question and she might slap in the face as a result. So we need to think about, again, it's a numbers game, get over it, but the same time. What could you do better next time on that phone call so that they'll treat you better make sense? And yes. Thank you, bill. Thank you, Dave. Thank you. And rich and bill, even if, even though I prospect and I get on the phones, I still struggle every single day to start my dialer. Yeah. I, I avoid it today for some reason. I did not wanna. Yeah. I still have a hundred people to call today. I honestly avoided it today. Yeah. Okay, there you go. It's partially because it's the July 4th weekend. I'm like, man, I just had four days off. I'm gonna take a fifth. Okay, there you go. You know, Thanks rich. Thanks for being on and asking question. That's fantastic. And Pete says that he just gotta lead, that he had sent out to two years ago. That's the business that we're in. Like Dave Pannell was saying, you need to have a way to nurture these leads for the long haul. Not all gonna be two years. I'll say on the average, they will be two years. Studies in a real estate show: the average lead from first ask about buying or selling to closing escrow on average is two years. It was an amazing study done by BoomTown, which is a CRM company. They would buy leads for clients and would track them in their software. So they knew the actual number. If agents knew that... like, Zillow doesn't advertise that because they know no agent would buy their leads if they knew the average is two years. That doesn't mean some don't buy in a day or a week or a month. It's a bell curve. but that the average tier is you have to have a system in place to keep those going for two years. And bill it's to everybody that's watching this video and on.... Most people don't wanna make the calls, but if you look at the future and say, look, I don't wanna be on these calls in three years. You're gonna, you're gonna make yourself make these calls and you're gonna get good at those calls over the next 18 months. But you're also gonna build capital up. And that capital is gonna allow you to do other type of marketing that will bring in the same quality ready now type buyer or seller. If it's a pain point for you. You just gotta ignore it. It's a challenge, like Joe Rogan says on his blog: we have to challenge ourselves daily to improve ourselves. We have to get very uncomfortable. And as soon as you do, you're gonna be amazed on the business that you create. Just to show what I mean by a bell. Just real quick. The average lead is probably about two years. This is the curve. Think of this as time. So they list the property. They ask about a property in by or sell week one month, one month, two month, three year one. This is year two. This is, something like a year, three year four, something like that. Yes. We make money on those that wanna do something right away. But the bulk of the business is two years. Half of it's two years or longer, right? So you wanna makes you have a business that hits this fat part of the bell curve. That doesn't mean we ignore the ones that want to sell right away. It just means that we understand that we're building a business. This isn't just a job where you call and get a listing. It's where you call and you're building a business, of future leads and such. And then Vince goes back to the service. He says, if you wanna be of service connects, expect to strike gold every time, treat people well in hope for great reviews and referrals down the road, a hundred percent. It's amazing that if you just help people, how the business comes to you and you don't need to worry about where more comes from. Okay. Any other questions on building your service business or phone calling or the program's coming up? Bill, I have a quick question. Go ahead, Regina. I have a former client who has a family property that they want to sell. And the bottom line is that there were six people, six family members on title. Three of them are now deceased. I've consulted with a couple of probate attorneys, but there's one family member that's homeless and estranged from the family. How do you handle, how do you overcome a person like that? I mean, they obviously they're gonna be part of the inheritance, but if they don't cooperate, then they can't sell the property. Well, that's not quite true. What state are you in Regina? California Southern California. Yeah. Have they filed a probate yet? No, it's not filed yet. No. Okay. So they file a probate and there's one or two things that happen.


the person who files as the executor.. So when you have six family members, seom are involved. Some are not involved, but anybody, any of them, really, anybody can file a probate. The judge is gonna give priority on certain conditions. But once one files, the brother who's not cooperating doesn't hold up the sale of the property as long as they g And then the court can approve the authority to the brother, sister who steps up. They went through probate back in 1995. It was the father's property. So these six siblings were part of the orders as the owners of the property. So out of those six siblings, fast forward, now three of 'em are deceased. So I guess now they have to kind of do a mini probate for the deceased heirs. Yes. Those three family members that passed away. Yes. So one of those heirs. One of the adult children. He's the one that has the mental problems and nobody knows where he is. And so he would be the hold up cuz you need corporation from all three. No. You don't need cooperation from all three. You need, as far as the probate again, I'm not giving legal advice, just business advice based my experience, but.. Right. You can probate without all three, agreeing to it. Only one has to file probate and bring it to court. And if the court agrees to probate the other three estates and distribute, whatever, the court agrees to it. You have to notice the other party. They get noticed they get mailed to their legal, in the proper manner, they get noticed of the filing of probate. They get noticed when's time to sell the property. Then if the executor has full authority, he files a notice of proposed action. And if the other party doesn't respond, then the heir(s)' share can be sold. Bill, but they don't know where this guy is. He goes homeless at one time. They don't have an address for him. They don't know where he is at. So there's a process that if they, they have to. Make a certain effort to find him. And if they can't, there's certain vendors they use and the court will accept that they... I've seen this happen numerous times... where they present to the court: You know, We used this company, a private detective, a service or this or that, depending on the circumstances. Okay. And we can't find them. And so all you can do is all you can do. Now, if that person is an heir, his money might be held for some reason. But his percentage of it could be held in the probate , until they finalize the probate and they try to reach him then. It's funny how people pop up once there's money available. But it doesn't mean they hold the sale. It means that he'll hold up receiving his percentage of heirship. And at some point in time that gets distributed some other way if he doesn't respond, but there's services that they use. And again, that's why I use the attorney service I use either, either the right kind of attorney who does probates like this all the time. See a non probate attorney is gonna tell you why it's way too much work! A probate attorney. This is just a normal day at the office. mm-hmm. This is no different for me as a listing agent than there's a tenant at the property. Okay. Well that just means I do these things. Oh, there's no tenant that I do those things. The right attorney knows the service and will deal with all that. Okay. And we can talk offline if you wanna referral for the right kind of attorney or you might wanna use a service like I interviewed them on Thursday and they do these things really well, too. Oh, thank you. Okay. Okay. Thank you. Okay. And so can you buy the other shares out? Well, again if he is an heir, the probate has to, give him his heirship you can buy out his inheritance rights. But at some point, whoever buys them is gonna wanna get paid. And that means they have to go through probate, still eventually. So definitely.

And Katt makes a point:

You have to make a case to the probate judge so the probate judge will have something to rule on. Right? So you document efforts and. I think that, like I said, there's certain services that different attorneys use that meet certain standards depending on the condition. There's private investigator services, I've interviewed some of those people that will try to track people down. And as I said, it's amazing when you have money coming how people can find track them down and they get paid a bonus based on finding people. So there are those services. Okay. Interesting stuff today, guys. Other questions, comments. You guys are gonna come on the call tomorrow on probate court, networking. Any other questions, challenges, problems. Come on. You guys have, this is free. It's funny we sell coaching services. My time I bill out a thousand dollars an hour. So I'm glad to answer your questions for free here. Who's working probate and has a challenger question. What's holding you back from achieving your goals right now. I have a question Bill. Go ahead, Phil. So I'm in my third year real estate I took took the course about two years ago. Really opened up my eyes. And I was lucky enough to do a couple probate cases last year. And it was really rewarding and it's kind of a niche I think I wanna focus on moving forward, but so recently I actually came across a lead It's a house, just a couple blocks from where I live. And I noticed in the notice to creditors that there was a, what they called a professional conservator. And so I looked that person up just to kind of see, what, who they are and sent them an email. And haven't heard back from 'em yet. It's been been about a week. There's a lawyer, obviously on the case. And so I was kind of curious to know. What your experience has been, what you know about the role of a quote unquote professional conservator? Is it basically just someone that that the estate or, I don't know if it's the attorney chose to represent the the estate of the decedent and how you might advise going about contacting either this professional conservator or the the attorney on the. So you're in Colorado, right? Yeah. So there's different terminologies in different states. There are conservatorships that need somebody to run it. By definition of conservatorship is for somebody who's incapable of making their own legal decisions. Typically they have Alzheimer's or they're in a coma. If they're a minor that we call that California guardianship, as opposed to conservatorship. Who's gonna make those decisions. And most commonly they hire somebody, an attorney to represent the conservator, or what's called a professional fiduciary. The same thing, professional fiduciary. Their job, their profession is. They work with attorneys, they work with courts, representing people who can't represent themselves. And there are certain common problems that come up as far as healthcare for elderly people. Or on, on the youth side, there's certain common problems as far as psychological evaluations, schooling things like that. There's an industry of people who are called professional fiduciaries and they typically manage trusts or conservatorships or guardianships. I think that's what we're referring. Yeah, it's possible. I mean, I I saw professional conservator and it kind of threw me for a loop there. So I'll, they're the conservator and they're professional as opposed to let's say a family member. Yeah. Right. Cause there might be a family member who might step up and say, Hey, I'll take care of my brother. And it's a lot of work. And if there's any kind of conflict, you're subject getting sued. And and so there's provisions and if there's an estate where there's, then that person can get paid for their time and effort and energy. So you wanna hire, let's say an attorney who would do a really good job on that. I was gonna say so, so this conservator acting as a fiduciary is the personal representative for the estate of the decedent. And so is it safe to assume that then this is the person who's gonna decide on the sale of the property? Like what would their role be, I guess, potentially in the bottom line, which is selling the property? Yeah. I mean, their job is to do what's best for the estate, not for an individual party and most commonly they're the ones who make decision. Like now, like anybody, like any attorney they'll make decisions with in consultation with their clients, they want their clients to be happy. So they might find, well, one of the parties wants to keep the house and decide not to sell it. And they all agree to that. Then it's the job of the executor, the professional fiduciary in that case, to carry out the desires of their clients as long as it's legal and disclosed properly. But like anybody, I would think, I would say they're the ones ultimately who have the legal authority to make the decision. They may make it in consultation with their clients.. And so it's probably maybe the kids or somebody else who then is really making the decisions, but then could be through this fiduciary could be GI. So given all that what would be your advice? Would it be something where, I continue to try and break through and establish communication with fiduciary, or should I go straight to the attorney? What would be your advice to, to kind of maybe push the envelope here? Well, I would say I generally would never call a professional to ask for business. Okay. I would call professional to offer assistance or support. And so I would look for an opportunity where you can help them. If you're experiencing probate, that's the reason

to call:

"I know that some real estate agents don't know all the process and procedures, but I happen to experience in the area. I'd love to offer assistance that I can help in any way. I can offer a free evaluation of the property. You could drive to the property..." There's a lot of things you can offer of service to the conservatorship that might be of value. So I would look for those opportunities and try to lead with value rather than asking for business. Sure. Now the other option is attorneys in general. Now you're in Colorado Springs. So it's problematic today in Los Angeles to invite people to lunch. So many restaurants are still shut down. LA is still very COVID centric. Um, not looking into the political discussion, just the reality is our courts still aren't open. City council meetings aren't live. They're only zoom. So in LA I would be afraid if I invited an attorney to lunch that they'd think that I'm irresponsible. Number one, because who goes to lunch now we are in the middle of a COVID panic. Now you might go, oh well that's ridiculous Bill. That's the reality in Los Angeles. And that's not the case normally, pre COVID, I would see almost any attorney would be open to a phone call that says, Hey, Philip I'm Bill Gross yeah. I see your professional conservatorship, or I see your attorney working in the probate space. I'm a real estate agent who focuses and I'm an expert in probate, stewardships, not looking for any business. I'd just love to meet you and learn about your business. I'd love to go to lunch with you sometime and see what you do and see there's way I can help you are available next week on Tuesdays, Wednesday? Better invite them to lunch. That's that attorneys generally are open to going out to lunch other than COVID. Now you need to figure that out in your area, but that's, what's true in Los Angeles. Okay. Great. Well, thank you very much. My pleasure. Christopher asked, what geographies are you seeing the most increased in probate filings? Well, I don't know that Christopher, I personally work LA county. I can't say if it's increasing or decreasing anywhere else. I don't really run the data. And Peter mark offers in Colorado. There's a company called fiduciary services. Okay, good. I think again, I think each area, the business is there's a little different terminology. It's interesting. I just interviewed a guy who is the clerk to the probate judges in Philadelphia. Now in LA county, we call those people, probate attorneys, not probate attorneys that clients can hire probate attorneys that work for the court, that review documents and support the judge in processing the probate paperwork. To us clerks sound like a secretarial position, but in Philadelphia, the clerk to the judge, just like the Supreme court clerk. It's a very prestigious position. So it's not secretarial nature. It's very much a position of respect. So every area has a little different terminologies and some are funny that they get different names. Oh yeah. And also Katt says that the conservator can- doesn't mean they obviously always do- but she points out that they can bill the estate for their time. Even a family member can. And even with probate, at least in California, if you file to be the executor or you, the petition on a probate and you take the job as the administrator or executor, you're entitled to fees and there's a limit down to what you can charge, but you're allowed to pay yourself fees in exchange for the time you put in. And same with the conservatorship, they can charge for that. So if you're gonna pay somebody, you could pay yourself or you might wanna pay somebody else that might be more efficient with it. Okay. I think we'll come up in the end of the hour here. Any last minute questions, challenges, problems we can wrap up with today. Hey Dick. When S you on the call. Your friendly faces. Anybody else have any questions? Challenges, problems. Thank you, Vince. Appreciate the feedback. I agree with you. I thought it was a great session. Covered a wide variety of topics today. This call is meant to be answer questions like this wide variety. Cuz if you're working in this business, you're gonna come up with all kinds of crazy questions and problems and challenges. That's the nature of our business. So we wanna give you that opportunity to do. not seeing any, I think will we'll wrap up unless somebody has a lot. Oh, there we go. Winston's got his hand up. I, Winston, I think I predicted you're gonna do that. How can help you? What I wanted to do here, bill is can we still get signed up with Chad's new class for 250? Is that still doable? I think it's now done to 400, but if you go on the website right now, you'll see it's the, it was two 50 through, I think it was Friday last week or no, it's June 30th. And then now it's $400. Pre-launch and then you get another $50 off if you use the prob the promo code prelaunch. So it's 350 at this point, net. Thank you! Sure. Don't snooze. You might lose. Okay. Questions. Thank you. You ran. You're welcome.. Okay. And you Mario, thank you for coming in. You're welcome to participate again. It's meant to be participative and I always tell people on these calls, the more you participate, the more money you make, the more you give, the more you get. And so look for opportunities to grow your business. Don't be shy. Raise your hand. Jump in. Ask questions on chat box is good. Video calls and talking is even better if you can. That's why we have this. That's why I'm hosting this is cuz I need this call every week to ask questions and be available with the group and with Chad. So let's all continue to work together and be successful. I'm Bill Gross. I host probate weekly every Thursday at four o'clock

Pacific time, 7:

00 PM Eastern and then it's live streamed and recorded on my YouTube channel. Bill Gross eXp is my youTube channel and the social media hope you guys can catch up with me there. This is Probate Mastery weekly real estate coaching. We do this every Tuesday at noon, Pacific 3:00 PM Eastern. It also is recorded and put on YouTube on the YouTube channel for Probate Mastery. It's also on the probate mastery website. That's the best place to go for recordings, snippets. You have questions you wanna research? It's a great resource. Katt does an amazing job on the Probate Mastery website. So feel free to join on there. And then hopefully you guys are gonna jump into the EARN program, if that makes sense for you. And otherwise it's been a pleasure today. Hope to see you guys next week. Thank you so much, everybody.